Saturday, December 18, 2010

Black Ops Going Old School

There is an arcade version of zombies in Black ops which is awesome. It is an over the top view and you shoot in the direction that you point in. Something else that I thought was crazy and I had no idea about until recently is that there is a TEXT BASED game in call of duty black ops. Talk about super old school, This text based game works just like the old ones too "crazy hard to figure out the commands."

Best Tomahawk kills

Just about all of these kills had a one in a million chance at actualy happenin. Getting a bank shot with the tomoahawk means that it bounces of something before it hit your apponent.

Crazy Trick and Sick Kills

Sometimes I wish I could play as well as these guys but is it worth giving up that much time to get that good.



This was a game type originally featured in Call of Duty: World at War. This is a game that incorporated 1-4 gamers and endless waves of zombies that get stronger, faster and larger in numbers as each wave is complete. This is a cool game type because strategy is a huge part in getting far in the game. If you just run around the map and open doors then u will probably die but, if you talk to your team and stick together there is a greater chance of getting to a higher level. The highest level I have gotten to is 29 on the level "five." it was complete chaos because there are so many zombies.

This is a video of somone who made it crazy far and proably used glitches to get that far but is still cool none the less.


MLG stands for Major League Gaming, and as it turns out there is a MLG community for this game. This is a group of people who are experts at the game and come together to battle it out for the title of being the best. this is a video of two mlg team playing against each other with commentary form two people that are in the "MLGs".

Best Kills

A cool part about this game is that anyone can record there clips of best kill and weird thing that can happen in the game. So you get so many more montages on the internet of crazy thing that happen in the call of duty world. This video is awesome because of all the crazy kills, most of which I would consider to be nearly impossible to do.


Personally I would give this game a 9.5 out of ten. I love first person shooters and although not to much was changed in the game play the new stuff is awesome. Everything from the new storyline to the new types of multiplayer game modes is sure to please just about anyone who plays it.

Here are a few reviews from top gaming companies.

Aggregate scores
Metacritic88/100 [80]
Review scores
G45/5 stars[83]
Game Informer9/10[84]
GamePro5/5 stars[85]
IGN8.5/10 (Xbox 360/PS3)[89]
PC Gamer64/100
The Escapist


The day Call of Duty Black Ops came out November 9. 2010,  5.6 million copies were sold world wide. making it the best selling game ever. In the first five days alone treyarch made over 650million dollars form sales. This beat the previous record that  was set by Modern Warfare 2 by 100 million dollars. it seems like the Call of Duty community is expanding which is good for treyarch, and good for jeep too I guess considering they have a shared commercial.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Black Ops Jeep

I was stunned to see that Jeep thought that it would be a good idea to create a Call of Duty Black Ops edition Jeep. This is one of the first cars I have ever seen to have been advertised in video game graphics. It does make sense though because call of duty blacks was the best selling video game of on its first day.

Lego Black Ops

This game has been out for a month and someone has already created a Lego mini-movie. This is a funny and brutal take on the game. I like that the creator incorporated guns in the movie that look similar to the guns in the game. 

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


In Call of duty you die a lot no matter what skill level you are.

Call of duty does some interesting things to show death or “losing”, there are many different game modes but, in all game modes when you die you have two options which are interesting. The first option is to watch what is called a “kill cam” and this is like a replay that shows you how you died. This can be an extremely important thing to watch because it can show what you did wrong. As well as where the other person is who killed you. if an opponent kills you with a weapon this is a great thing because if there is a sniper camping in a hiding spot you know where  they are and can go kill them.) If you die from equiptment (IE grenade, claymore) it will just show the equipment then the explosion that kills you.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Career Complete

Today I finally finished the career, and I thought that it was awesome. The gamer plays through the roles of various different characters throughout the story, this is a clever way the developer helps the gamer see the story from multiple points of view. The story was great and very detailed but it jumps back and forth thru time as well as back and forth in between characters. Especially towards the end of the game you really need to be focused on what happens in the cut scenes because otherwise you will have no clue what’s going on.

There are many other game types that I am looking forward to playing but the wager matches sound the coolest. This is a new type of match that allows the gamers to bet against one another. Here is a list of the different wagers matches.

  • One in the Chamber - each player is given a pistol with one bullet and a knife. For each kill achieved the player will receive one more bullet. However, each player will only have three lives.

  • Sharpshooter - each player is given the same random weapon. The weapon will be used for 45 seconds before being switched out for another one. Kills will award the player with perks and score multipliers.

  • Sticks and Stones - each player receives only a crossbow, ballistic knife, and a Tomahawk. The catch in this gamemode is that if the player was able to hit an enemy with a Tomahawk, the enemy player will go "bankrupted".

  • Gun Game - players start out with a pistol. For each kill they move up a level, granting them a better gun. First person to achieve kills with all 20 weapons wins. However, someone who is knifed will move down a level.     

    Tuesday, November 9, 2010

    Game Day

    Finally the day has come and Black ops has hit the market for all us gamers to play. After constantly hearing about all the new weapons and cool new kill streak rewards the game has to offer it is great to finally be able to try them out. I ran out to wal mart and picked myself up a copy and began to play the campaign mode. The game play is more similar to that of World at War (which is kind of what I was expecting because they are developed by the same people). After only playing a few hours of the campaign I can already tell that this game is going to take a decent chunk of time out of my life. I still have yet to try the online multiplayer mode and the zombie mode, but I do have high expectations. 

    Tuesday, November 2, 2010

    I choose to blog about call of duty black ops the newest in the call of duty series. The zombie level is just one of the modes/ levels that I cant wait to play. With everything from new maps to guns and killstreak rewards this game is sure to blow away just about any gamer.

    Above is the world premier trailer for black ops, looks to me this game is going to have some exceptional graphics with great gun options and an interesting storyline.

    This just recently caught my eye; below is the (hardened or prestiged) limited edition game bundle that includes a replica war medal, an rc car and the game. This is the first time I have seen an rc car being sold with a video game (great idea to make money) but could this encourage people to actually make and rc car with real C4 on it.